*Pet him!!!



[11.29.24] Im filled with dread

Feeling: BAD .... Talking to: Ein and Finn

today was good at first but it took a very dark turn when i went to the freaking mall... I was coding this morning with my lovely ein which was awsome... and then i went to the vet to get shots done on my foster kittens (went very well by the way) and this old lady asked to hold one of our kittens and the kitten was doing SO WELL!!! it was beautiful.. but anyway i went to the malll after to pick up a body spray i bought and then i shopped around with ym mama and then IT FREAKING BROKE IN HER PURSE....... i felt so bad ouggggg i am going to buy her a new purse for christmas dont worry but ougg i feel so bad and i had to return my body spray and i cleaned her purse contents but ogugg goodneesss,,....

anywho i have been yerning to smell yummy after i got suger cookie deoderont and i am so sad i cant smeell yummy.. perhaps this is the universe telling me not to get that perticular scent because i was unsure how i felt about it but i bought it since it was on sale but now ive been smelling it all day on my hands and i like it so i am not sure!!!!! hmm what else..... i talked to Einnn and Finnnn again today very awsome in fact i am talking to them right now and they make my day better by ALOT!!! i didnt do my homework today though so i am lowk screwing myself over by ALOT sooooo uggmmmmm.... yeah.. i willl update if i find it in my heart to actually do my homework but i am not sure... thank you for reading OUUGGGGOUUGGGGOUUGGGGOUUGGGG

[11.25.24] First freaking entry waaaaat

Feeling: Good .... Watching: Youtube

I have finally decided on a way to make my blog look AWSOMEM... this shall be my first entry and im really exited to start updating this more often!! i was struggling really hard because i wanted to use iframes for the blog but they were way too confusing!! maybe one day i will learn to use them because i think they will make the blog look awsomer but for now i think the layout looks pretty good!

Should i start by talking about my day... perhaps.. today was pretty good!! i celebrated my moms birthday, i helped prepare for thanksgiving, and i also called my pals Ein and Finn!! (very exiting stuf) one thing i did not do was my compsci homework.... i am like 10 lessons behiend and im supposed to be catching up over break but i have NOT EVEN STARTED!!!! i am number one procrastanator oug... its so annoying too because the work is so easy and mindless i can litterally put on a movie or show and just code and i will probably be done within a day or two. i WILL do this on friday and saturday you better watch out..

Anyway.. what else can i talk about.... OH! i need to figure out if i need a new keyboard or not, i think it would be nice but the real problem is deciding what color and switches i want.. im sure ill decide by tomorrow. AlSO i am so close to completing my dorohedoro collectioon i am so exited.. I think im going to try to compplete it this year so i can loook at it and feel joy again. what else.... im not too sure... i think im going to end this entry with some silly photos... ENJOY!!!!!!

live wilem reaction hugh dancy plush