silly knight

Tooth Web-Palace...

*crreeekk.. looks at you freekily... * welcome to my freaking awsome home.. how you got here im not so sure but i'm happy you came to look at my things!! i made this site because coding is a big interest of mine and i also wanted to have a place to put all my thoughts and deep dark secretes... have fun looking through and i hope you enjoy.. mwahajjaahha

You are visitor: CURRENTLY FEELING;
The current mood of toothsprite at


BLOG!!!! YEAH!!!! (11.28.24)

i hav created a blog!! or diary.. check it out it is pretty awsome if i do say so myself... also tweaked the homepage a bit. Let me know if you like it!

FINALLY.... (11.04-25.24)

ABOUT ME HAS BEEN MADE!!!! im sorry it took so long but i really wanted to finish it before uploading it to my site... ALSO I HAVE JOINED MORE FANLISTINGS!! i hope you have fun looking at my about me mwahaha......

you'll never guess... (10.14.24)

okay yah its more homepage, i think im going to say this is done for now.... i am most definetly going to add more but i like it right now... also i am DYING to work on my about me.. i cannot wait.. ougghh..

even MORE homepage (10.06.24)

i have found a new backround... also i moved the quizes to the about me that is soooo not done yet.. very exiting stuff, I have been a it busy but I will try to work more this week..

more... homepage.. (10.01.24)

I have finally created a button for my site and it is based off of tooth coffee from jazzpunk.. AWSOME!!! I also added Navlink ads! super cool you shoud check it out.. still need to add more and finish the side bars..

im going crazy (09.26.24)

okay so far i have joined some fanlistings and webrings... i am very exited iam kicking my feet and running around......

more homepage.. (09.25.24)

OUUGHH I LOCCVE CODING!!! I have added a rating and my imood thing and i also fixed the scrolling on the log... VERY EXITING!!

MORE THINGS (09.15.24)

I have addedd some fun things like quiz results and gifypet! Trying to finish my homepage..

adding more stuff... (07.27.24)

adding more things and finishing some code i ddint do last time...

major huge update (06.10.24)

this is wonderous i have actually started to code the site and make it beautiful.... this is very exiting

creation (12.9.21)

holy flip..


my boyf

my bpy wilem.. i think of him often.. he is my biggest inspiration in life and i think hes very neat.. shout out to mr dafoe i wonder what hes up to right now... anywho my favroite willem movie is the lighthouse and he is so awsome,,,,


This list is stuff i need to do for this site... there is lots to be done sigghhh

  • finish home page
  • start on about me
  • start blog
  • join more webrings... always..
  • make site map
  • start collections/shrines and grafics/resources
  • clean up your code... so messy oug,,...
CHAt; say stuff or whatever